family board game

The Benefits of Playing Family Board Games With Kids

The board game for the family allows the child to develop his ability to concentrate, his logic, and his memory. There are still many other benefits, such as learning. Indeed, it has been proven that children learn mainly through play.

Board games create special moments, they are able to bring together a whole family around a table! They allow different generations to meet, discuss and have fun.

They are useful for teaching children to live in a group. Over the games, children learn to listen to others, respect the rules, to manage their emotions in case of frustration or joy. It’s also good for self-esteem if you win, especially against your parents!

Board games also develop fine motor skills through the manipulation of checkers, cards, or dice. Some games develop skills useful later in schools, such as numbers, words, or the ability to express themselves.

Games allow you to communicate! They create interactions between players, they allow you to express yourself in front of others, to develop your language, to listen to others… Collaboration, in a team, allows you to understand that you may need others to succeed.

Playing as a family also helps to strengthen social ties and share good times! When you all play together, you put aside the worries of the day and live in the moment. Everyone wins! Stress evaporates, and people are relaxed.

Do not hesitate to create rituals by continuing to play together. Children grow up, and a multitude of family board games exist according to age group.

The Benefits of Playing Family Board Games With Kids

Develop the sense of observation and concentration: this requires children to be attentive during a game.

Sharpen their logic and memory: children can learn to plan a strategy, anticipate those of others, and plan moves! They can also memorize playing positions or tactics.

Exercise fine motor skills: with delicacy, children discover the manipulation of game components: pawn, dice, custom 3D miniatures… while having fun!

Respect for the rules: the child must accept the instructions and wait his turn to participate in the game.

The management of emotions: impatience, frustration… The child will have to learn to control and put things into perspective, whether in case of defeat or in case of victory. This shows him that in life you don’t always succeed the first time!

Exploring their creativity: some custom board games allow children to use their imagination to find new solutions. It is excellent for the development of creativity!

Enrich your knowledge: several games allow young people to discover new vocabulary or expand their knowledge of new subjects.

A Few Tips

It is important when buying a family board game, to respect the ages indicated on the box because if it is too difficult, it will discourage the child. We recommend board games with short games, it makes you want to start over, don’t hesitate to choose games where replayability is important!

If the child gets impatient, do not hesitate to put your part aside! Feel free to adapt the rules if necessary! By prioritizing simple, short explanations, and examples.