Ten things you should never do with electrical appliances

In the world today, a home without electrical appliances is no home. We have become so used to of these appliances that our lives will be empty without them. But even then we are not able to benefit from them properly because we misuse them. You must have also experienced some appliance mistreatment which leads to chaos. This is because electrical items should be dealt with utmost safety. Thus we have compiled a guide for you of things that should never be done with electrical appliances.

  1. Don’t overload

A major cause of electrical fires is the overloading of outlets. This means that you are overburdening the electrical sockets with too many appliances at once. This will either cause your appliances to blow up or lead to a short circuit. You will experience sparks and in extreme cases, electrical fire. Not only that, your appliances can be harmed beyond repair as well. So it is best to ensure that one outlet only has one appliance attached to it.

  1. Never use the wrong wattage in your appliances.

This is also one of the major causes of fuses and appliances blowing up. Wattage is a very important measure and should be very careful when placing appliances in the outlet. Ensure that you choose the correct wattages, especially when it comes to bulbs as they can overheat easily. This can lead to the melting of sockets and can start a fire as well. So never put a high wattage appliance in a low wattage socket. If no wattage is listed than utilize 60-watt bulbs or less. If ceiling fixtures are marked than utilize 25-watt bulbs for them.

  1. Do not use multi-outlet converters or extension cords 

It is another cause of overloading and harms your appliances and outlets. Multi-outlet converters or extension cords are very dangerous as they cause outlets to overheat. It is best not to use them. Even if you use them to ensure that your outlets are cool and have protective faceplates for safer working. Here are some more tips for appliance safety:

  • Plug-in single heat-producing equipment at a time.
  • Electricians should immediately check outlets giving out heat.
  • Use power strips as they cannot change the power of the outlet
  • Make use of smart plugs to monitor power loads as they automatically turn off appliances when outlets start to overheat.
  1. Don’t ignore damaged electrical cords 

We usually underestimate the consequences of damaged power cords as a critical electrical safety risk. We prolong their repair because they take them as a mere inconvenience. In reality, they can cause both fires and electrocution. So if you find any appliance with damaged cords, get it repaired immediately. All the cords in your house should be regularly checked so that your appliances are safe to hold and use. Do not ignore even slight signs of cracking and fraying.

  1. Never use faulty or old electrical appliances

Appliances may not have expiry dates, but they also have a limited life. After a specific period and usage, they begin to run old. There might not be any visible signs, but their inner function degrades. As all things depreciate, so does electrical appliances. Thus don’t overuse them, and once you begin to feel the signs of aging or faults, repair or replace them immediately. Don’t put yourself and your loved one in danger to save a few bucks. Old and faulty appliances can blow up pretty bad and cause immense harm. So as it’s better to be safe than sorry, spend money now to protect yourself from bigger and more costly damage.

  1. Don’t keep them untidily

Electrical appliances can be very harmful. Not only should they be used with safety, but they should also be stored safely as well. Safety rules not only apply to appliances when they’re in use. So here are things you shouldn’t do after using them:

  • Don’t tie the cord of appliances too tightly for compactness. And this will overstretch the rubber and lead to cracks.
  • Don’t keep close to children or pets as they can chew on the cords.
  • Dangerous appliances shouldn’t be left in reach as children can get hurt when trying to operate them. So put them in place which is not accessible to children like locked cupboards or high shelves
  • Don’t rest appliances on hot surfaces or their insulation and wires will get damaged.
  • Don’t yank on the appliances as it frays the wires and compromises electrical safety
  • Wires of appliances shouldn’t be stapled into place or placed under furniture or carpets.  They not only pose a tripping hazard but can also get overheated and crushed.
  1. Don’t keep your unused appliances plugged

One of the most common electrical mistakes is switching off the switch but letting the appliances be plugged in. So the safety tip is to unplug appliances after every use. It is the easiest one to follow but easy to forget as well. Usually, people are very lazy and leave the appliances plugged in. What they don’t know is that this can be very harmful as it not only wastes power, but the chances of appliance deteriorating are also high. The plugging can lead to a phantom drain, which is the energy equipment consumes even when it is not being used. Thus it can lead to overheating and power surges. So after every use, don’t forget to take off the plug. And this is often difficult to remember, but if you make it habit of switching off and unplugging simultaneously, it will become easy.

  1. Don’t keep electrical appliances near water 

We all know electricity and water don’t go hand in hand but still make the mistake of bringing them near. Even with water-resistant material, you shouldn’t take chances and keep all appliances away from water. We usually forget this safety rule when using electrical items related to bathrooms and kitchens as water is mostly present there. The best way to do things is to cover them in plastic and wipe your hands before touching any appliance. Also try to keep them away at a safe distance from pots, sinks, tubs, aquariums, and showers as you never know when water will splash. It is essential as water and electricity can be a catastrophic combination. Not only does water damages the appliances, but it can also cause personal injury such as electrocution.

  1. Don’t compress appliances 

Appliances need proper air circulation, or they will overheat. This will lead to short out, and can also cause an electrical fire. So to ensure that appliances have proper air circulation, don’t put them in enclosed cabinets. Use them in open spaces and store them separately as well. To be completely safe, avoid placing them near flammable objects.

Furthermore, pay extra heed to electronics such as industrial dryer equipment and refrigerators. They can overheat easily if placed very close to the wall. They need at least a foot to function properly.

  1. Don’t let the exhaust fans of appliances clogged 

Most appliances have an exhaust for releasing heat. It is a common mistake to leave these fans untouched so that no harms come to them. But the biggest harm is done by not touching and cleaning them because they get clogged and overheating. It shortens the life of your appliance. Moreover, it also leads to the building up of dangerous gases. These can cause an electrical fire and pose a danger for you and your loved ones. So don’t let these fans get dirty and clean whenever dirt accumulates!


We hope that these safety rules help you use your appliances optimally. Not only do they let you be safe and sound, but they also ensure that your appliances remain functional for longer periods.